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Health and Fitness is about body, mind and spirit! A combination of poses, breathwork and meditation will make sure your body and mind find the right balance. Find answers in focus and stillness.

Core training 


Strenghten those core muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility. You’ll see an improvement in bodyposture and positive attitude in no time.

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muscle building


Get your body in shape with strenghtening exercises. Whether it’s losing weight or trimming and toning, my program will improve your health and have you feeling great. Wait no longer to 'shape' things up!

Personal workout

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The unique program I’ve developed will help burn calories, boost metabolism and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises and a healthy diet will have you in tip-top shape.

   With more than 5 years of experience in teaching Pilates, Bodyshape and Yoga, I am convinced!: Each of the classes bring something unique and powerful to our overall health. But how can you manage so many different styles if you don't want to spend 5 days in the gym each week? My experience is that the integration of combined knowledge and skills provide first-rate classes in any style!  So choose a class that stands out for you and I wil help you reach your personal goal! 

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